Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Almost Smiling!

Teagan had a big weekend. Not only did Grandpa Moss, aka "Bips" make a visit, she had her first Green Lake picinic, Mac N Jacks Brewery tour and Carkeek park happy hour. Her smile is just around the corner and we can't wait :) The biggest news of course are that her Fuzzi Bunz finally fit - almost anyway!

Fuzzi Bunz!

Playing Sticky Paws with Daddy

The bouncy ball calming method!

I love my bips, and I'm almost smiling!

The Bips/Teagan totem pole

Not too sure about this tummy time stuff!

Monday, April 21, 2008

First few weeks at home

Since Teagan is a girl of the 21st century, her parents thought it was time to jump on the blogging bandwagon. With all of our friends and family scattered from here to kingdom come we thought this would be a great way to share our sweet little one's progress with you. We've all been home 6 weeks now and are finally adjusted to being a family of 5 (not forgetting about Lewis and Clark). They however are still adjusting :) We had a bit of a bumpy start until we realized that little Teagan has reflux, but now that she is taking some medicine to help and has a new comfy bed to sleep in she is doing great! She is really starting to blossom. Here are a collection of photos from her first month and a half at home :)

Finally Home! Cuddling with my Daddy :)
Getting to know my brother Lewis

Hanging out with Aunt Becci

The first of MANY kisses from uncle Derek

My Sweet big cousing Sawyer

All tuckered out from visitors

My first St. Patrick's Day

The Irish girls

Is that E.T. in there?

Thanks for my new friend Deb :)

Loving my bath-time!

Looking good in Lavendar Clark!

Lewis and Clark spit up too!

Our babies

I'm 9 weeks old today!

Stealing Mr. Sock Monkey's fez!

Is there something on my shirt?

Teagan's reflux bed

Taking a siesta with Grams