Sunday, February 15, 2009

Turning 1 means eating cake :)

Our baby is no longer. Teagan Violet is ONE. Hard to believe how far she's come in just 12 months. She's literally 4 (almost 5 times) her birth size!!!! We put together a little slide show to remember her First year! It's much better on the big screen, but we wanted to be able to share it with everyone. You need Flash to watch it and make sure your volume is on :) It's a little long so you might need a drink and snack before you settle in to watch. Just click on the link below (Teagan's Year in Review) and enjoy, we certainly have :)

Oops, sorry - wrong Birthday baby :)

There she is!!

Are these all for me?

Not sure if I like the birthdays yet...

Her first sophisticated brunch...bring out the silvahhhhh!

MMMmmmmm.... Notice the tiny Teagie size one :)

I think I smell cupcakes!

She was having a serious sinker from her egg souffle...
Then she discovered fire!
Happy Birthday Teagan :)

She likes fire a bit too much

Eating Cupcakes 101
Step 1. Locate the cupcake

Step 2. Get mouth onto cupcake

Step 3. Eat, even if you are in the dark

There, much better :)

Present time...

The T-shirt adds a nice touch to the pink tutu :)
We LOVE it Bob and Lynn!!!!!

The crazy giggling ball from the Moss Clan
Thanks :) It will drive us nuts from now on, hehehehehe

Did I mention my front teeth are peeking through.
Thank goodness for my new veggie chew toys, thanks Daddy!

And... for her favorite present....the remote? - we give up....

Notice the bonnet, it's the very same one
she wore home from the hospital almost a year ago...

(March 2008)

How far you have come sweet one. Happy Birthday!

The day you FINALLY came home!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


What a way to celebrate Teagan's last weeks as a "baby". Man we've been sick! Not to dwell, because I'm sure I've complained to most of you about it already, but Teagan and I have had the flu, colds and now she's teething! Will has somehow come through the plagues unscathed thus far. Spring can not get here fast enough!!! Here a just a few pictures from our week and a half of cabin fever.

One of the few and far between happy moments of the week

She's SO attached to her ChiChi blanket we had to scramble
online to find a back-up blanket while we washed the original
Will found one, thank goodness!

Giving Clarker some love :)

Clarker loving Teagan back :)

Birthday mail!!!!!

Glowing tub toys! Even the boys were impressed!

Aunt Shep, you always give us the COOLEST toys!

Coal Creek Falls

She's an outdoors kinda gal. Even though winter is still in the air, Teagan loves a hike in the woods. With snow still on the ground and the air barely about freezing Teagan was still full giggles and grins. This day we hiked to Coal Creek Falls in the Cougar Mountain Wilderness area. Can't wait for spring!

They call it Coal Creek for a reason! Scary....

New Wheels

Teagan thinks she is hot stuff now that she's got means of transportation. Good thing we have some very generous neighbors, because Will and I vowed not to buy this kind of plastic crap. Never knew Teagan would love it so much! Thank goodness for China and their plastics :)

The three amigos

A true Seattleite, Teagan and her posse, Stella and Fiona, love the local coffee house scene! Only decaf for now girls!