Monday, March 8, 2010

Birthday #2 - The Seattle celebration :)

What would be an occasion if we didn't have a chance to celebrate with Aunt Kathy and the rest of the Federoff troop! So we did :)

For me? Again?

The raddest lego set in the world!

Little homunculus

Yes, Teagan has a kitchen aid before I do...

We literally looked away for one moment while Kathy was getting the
lighter only to find Teagan beating us all to the punch! HAHAHA. CLASSIC!

Already old enough to blow out her own candles, I'm getting verklepmt!

Don't worry, she didn't eat ALL this cake...

Birthday #1 Continued...

Refreshed after a LONG sleep and she's ready to party again!

She LOVES her umbrella, Op!!

Gi Gi and Julia's baby

Birthday #1

After getting up at 4:30am and traveling for 14 hours, we arrived to a full house of birthday party goers!

Ooooohhhhh CAKE!

Teagan's long day starts to catch up with her...

After she opened up Sha Sha's lady bug pillow she literally ran to the bedroom and begged to get in the pack 'n play. The party would have to be continued...

Ms. Clark

She's famous throughout the Mississippi Delta as being the fastest and sharpest seamstress in the land. With the coming of age, turning 2 and all, it was time for Teagan to meet Ms. Clark...

Pleased to meet you Ms. Clark...

Being SO GOOD until suddenly something pierces her skin.
Whoopsie Daisies, stuck by one of Ms. Clark's pins...
Already learning one of life's lessons, "Beauty is painful"
As my mother once said while ripping out knots in my hair.
Holding it together and wondering why am I here!

Now, you look just dawwwwling!

Viva Mississippi

We have yet to have a winter here in Seattle, so we decided to go south for some sub freezing tempatures - that and to celebrate Teagan's 2nd birthday with Will's family!

Teagan and "Op" taking a stroll at Sha Sha's house.

Luckily, there wasn't a shortage of skins to play with! Phew...
Nice kitty!


The face off...

Her new skill

Teagan's new pet bird! All the way from Switzerland.
She absolutely LOVES him Julia :)