Thursday, August 14, 2008


Teagan and Sawyer (and Grams) were able to spend some quality bonding time together last weekend in Winthrop, WA. Will and I were there to shoot a wedding and were lucky enough to have Grams and Sawyer drive 5 hours (one way) to babysit. What a family I have! Apparently she giggled and laughed the entire time we were gone. At one point Grams broke the T.V. rule and allowed her to watch, "since it was only the Olympics". They watched the male gymnasts and practiced "sticking the landing" with Teagan since she resembled one in her little footed pants. She would fly around, land on her feet and "STICK IT". The highlight of the trip was taking an old timer photo with the girls (we found one of those cheesy photo studio where you dress up in period clothes). I'll have to take a picture of it and post it later....

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