Thursday, April 1, 2010

No Bunnies

Teagan clung to her "bunny bread" as if it were the last supper. What is "bunny bread" you ask? Well, in a tiny town on the Skagit River near New Halem, WA there used to be a bunny haven. The local restaurant owners would save old bread for the bunnies in a giant garbage can labeled "bunny bread." Hundreds, maybe even a thousand bunnies have happily frolicked in the Clarks Cabin bunny sanctuary for over a half century. So who could blame us for getting Teagan all excited to see all the BUNNIES! Well, she soon learned her new favorite phrase, "no bunnies." The winter before last was too much for the little guys and they nearly all perished. Needless to say we didn't see a single bunny. We did however have a splendid time with Bips (my dad) anyway!

Searching for bunnies with Bips

Cabins that we must rent this summer!

Getting hungry Mama...

I'm really hungry!

Ah to heck with those bunnies, I'm eating their bread!


Our little Tree Hugger!

It's the unibomber...
No, it's just Teagan, running of course


Monkey see monkey do

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