Friday, December 12, 2008


The teeth have arrived! Or should I say tooth. Teagan's lower left front tooth has been working its way through her gums and made its first appearance yesterday! It's just barely on the surface, but we can already picture her with a mouth full of clappers! It's nearly impossible to get a shot of it, so instead here's one I took with my phone of her and her felow preemie friend Lucas - who also just got his first tooth. He was kind enough to share a nice cold chew toy with her :) It was like baby happy hour......Looking forward to a thick blanket of snow to play in tomorrow morning :)

1 comment:

Angelica said...

Dear Teagan,
Congratulations on your first chomper! Stella said to tell you that it's not all it's cracked up to be. All of a sudden, your mama and daddy will not let you chew on their fingers, nose or another body part that rhymes with "ripple." Cold turkey! But it's a good excuse to be as fussy as you want to be for a few days. They may get exasperated and frazzled, but all you have to do is look at them with big eyes and gnaw on something and they'll say "Oh, she's teething! She has all the right to be a fussy fussbucket!"

Love, Fiona