Thursday, December 18, 2008


The snow is STILL coming down. Now for those of you that live where it usually snows don't laugh at our "little" storm because in Seattle this is HUGE NEWS. We were especially thrilled to learn that our neighborhood's premier sledding street, 65th Street (which they close to traffic when it snows), can't even compare to the alley next to our house. Someone built a jump about half way down which was most entertaining. Fortunately I had the excuse of carrying Teagan because I was actually scared to go down it. I snapped a few photos with my phone that I just had to share....Again, don't laugh at us those of you in Montana and Minnesota :) hehehe

The alley sled run next to our house!
Air mattresses seem to be popular sleds here in Seattle :)

My little joey :)

Rosey cheeks - Teagan in her thumbless mittens :)

Watching sledders on 65th

Phinney Ave.

I've never seen Ken's so busy, nor have I seen people arriving by sleds....


Anonymous said...

i like your blog

Kristy said...

Is that the Ergo Baby Carrier? It looks like it and I LOVE mine. I still carry Casey in it on my back with no problem. Teagan looks so cozy!